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Post by kennyb2 »

And my post WAS NOT racist, it pointed out a true and verifiable fact, as reported in the press and other media.
Exactly the same facts,as the news reported pointing out an anomoly, but here its censored.

If folk are uncomfortable with truth then free speech is certainly dead, killed by those who claim to defend it.

or was it the comment re Ken Livingstone? now there I will admit to prejudice
Last edited by kennyb2 on 4 Feb 2008 20:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by admin »


Please see my PM

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Post by kennyb2 »

No Pm as yet
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Post by admin »

Town Pub makes no pretence for free speech. That is made explicitly clear.

As for free speech elsewhere in the forum. You agreed to certain restrictions. You broke them.

You are free to argue for a change in guidelines if you wish. If you sufficient support in the community that should not be a problem. The forum is designed to reflect different needs for discussion. Hence the recent additions of Town Pub & Town Museum.

The paradox is that absolute free speech would probably destroy the forum. That is a conundrum I have to try and muddle through with. Much as I hate removing any posting. In three years I have removed very, very few (apart from commercial spam). They are all listed here. How many is that in 10,000+

You see how hard it is to get censored?

I will always try to bend to protect truth. But I'm afraid on this one you rather turned it on its head.

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Post by kennyb2 »

Very well, I defer to the rules of the Admin.
But, I would like it explained to me that why, when I was repeating something about an event that had been widely reported it is regarded as it was.
It was not merely an opinion, but reported facts. Repeated.
It must have been the way I said it then?
end of it now. rules is rules.
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Post by admin »

There is a very big difference between religion and race. Too big to go into here. To co-join them is, shall we say, is unhelpful. For the moment race is off limits.

Critiquing Islam (or any other religion) should be permittable in any country claiming even a modicum of free speech. But there is a very big difference between attempting objective forensic analysis and just dumping swine turds from on high.

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Post by Falkor »

Racism is an interesting subject. In my opinion, I reckon a lot of people who think they are racist actually aren't true racists. It's easy to pick a skin colour as a label for people with certain behaviours like what SamC has spotted, but then I don't think leaving a comb in your hair is determined by skin colour. It's got more to do with environment, plus a whole load of other factors. People of all different colours and nationalities leave a comb in their hair as an emblem of fashion. Perhaps if you grouped this under skin colour, you might see a pattern, but then there would be many other trends, too. Something crazy might come out, for example: If you were brought up in the countryside without your immediate family, you may end up having the tendency to behave like a monkey on the bus. So far, I've seen white people doing it more than black people, and I'm white myself, but that doesn't mean it's governed by skin colour. I think people claim they don't like black people or they don't like white people without realising the implications of what they are saying. If you say that you don't like black people because you think their skin colour is too low down on your favourites list (red first, white fifth, black 18th) then you have the right to call yourself a true racist. You realise we all have the same skin colour--just different amounts of pigment underneath? All our ancestors were black--you know this, right? The egyptian were black. I suppose that makes black people superior to us whites. Damn, I didn't realise this before. Only joking! :P Makes no difference what colour you are. To explain certain traits and behaviours is much more complicated than skin colour. Again, I think if 99% of racists got down to the nitty gritty details of what they don't like about people with a certain skin colour, they would turn out to not be racists. How do you like my theory? You think all racists are deep down racists?
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Post by admin »

The reason why racism is now off limits here is because it is an artificial construct that purports to relate biological and social factors that have no or little basis in science. Thats not to say that the effect on gene pools doesn't exist on outcomes.

But gene pools are not the same thing. And it is an area where investigation and indicators are so easily misrepresented or confused with ethnic and other factors. This leads to some of the unfortuneate remarks that led me to lowering the tolerence level on this subject to zero.

Its a subject that deserves deep and thoughtful discussion. Just not here. Not now.

If only that it makes me sound off like a prolapsed boar ;-)

Please can we end this thread here?

Thank you
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Post by lambchops »

Come on...we all know that us Aussies are better at sport than the Poms!!
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Post by kennyb2 »

I said I'd end it, but I can`t resist a postscript.

The biggest con commited in society today is the classing of any specific religion as a division of the human race.

Race is genetic
Religion is not.
therefore combining the two is BS

What I am is antithesist; I abhor and detest all religion,whatever it is, what ever race practises it is irrelevent.
There is no after life, sitting at the side of jesus
No messiah in waiting
No paradise full of virgins
No resurrection, no angels, no prophets, no sons of god No 2000yrs dead jew will be coming back, all all a lie.

All this nonsense going on in the world is caused primarily by religion.

As is the theory that all our ancestors were black. Evolution theory is cock, since recorded time no sentient being on this planet has evolved into anything else.Nor shown signs of doing so.
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Post by admin »

I am sorry you felt you had to post that. I thought I had made the position clear here about racism.

I do not see the purpose of you posting further here. You keep saying things that are demonstrably untrue. It wouldn't matter if it were football or Lewisham planning. It does matter when you start falsely classifying people. Further more when it is pointless to try and engage with you when you don't accept the basic tenets on how we assemble, share and critique science.

You might get away with 'evolution is cock' with a non sequiter in your despised US bible belt. But I trust not in Sydenham. And certainly not here.

Please refrain from any further contentious posting.

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