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Location: forest hill

Post by Dillon »

I found this website through and I am hoping that as Sydenham and Forest Hill are close that someone reading this message can shed some light on the following subject for me - I posted the following message onto and who ever is running the site deleted it - this is what I asked:
I have seen some signs in Forest Hill saying that members of the Forest Hill Traders Association have been blocked from using and I was wondering if someone could tell us why?
Site Admin
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Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin » is an actively moderated forum. The posting rules say no ads/recommendations so I guess they consider this non-negotiable. Hence it is not an issue for discussion and off topic stuff gets deleted and repeat offenders get banned.

The posting rules here are more relaxed. I hope people want abuse it - that is always the problem. In the end most community sites depend on the webmaster financing them. Giving businesses a free ride is something some webmasters find difficult.

Muswell Hillbilly
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Joined: 22 Oct 2004 15:43

Post by Muswell Hillbilly »

Describing as 'actively moderated' is the understatement of the year!

I can only suggest that anybody who wants to discuss issues relating to the Forsest Hill/Honor Oak Park area, and who is frustrated with the way in which is run by a silent, anonymous and authoritarian moderator, bring their views over here to the Sydenham Town forum. I do believe we have already been invited by our friendly Sydenham Town webmaster/moderator, have we not?

Let's make this new forum as lively as has been, but without all the mysteriously disappearing posts!
Site Admin
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Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin »

The webmaster is not anonymous. I found him easily enough (his name & address are in the public domain) and he appears to be a pleasant chap.

Why not try and work out the problem directly with him?

The invitation here was to discuss Sydenham, SE26 or thereabouts. I don't think Honor Oak currently qualifies ;-)

But as they say the people should decide. I'm listening.
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Joined: 22 Oct 2004 19:49

Post by Shelley »

Hands off the forum! I've been following things on there for ages and it's great that it's kept clear of the idiots you often get spouting off their rubbish in discussion boards. I wonder if 'Muswell Hillbilly' above might be included amongst them - sour grapes? and have their own individual styles and the respective communities are all the better served for it. Who would want a combined nondescript mass forum trying to be all things to all people? Not me. If I want to read about Sydenham I don't want to have to wade through Forest Hill topics, and vice versa.

Keep up the good work serving Sydenham - great website!
Muswell Hillbilly
Posts: 4
Joined: 22 Oct 2004 15:43

Post by Muswell Hillbilly »

I had actually never tried posting anything to before today, when I finally piped up with a comment in the discussion about the mysterious disappearing posts under the Sainsbury's thread. As a lurker there for several months, however, it had long struck me that the moderation policy was absurd.

If anyone managed to catch the messages from a 'George' or 'G' before they were deleted, they would have seen what I mean. Those messages merely asked, in very polite, unassuming terms, some pertinent questions about the forum itself. Naturally, they were deleted at once.

Now I see the entire forum has been taken down -- either that, or my IP has been blocked! 'My bat, my ball, I'm going home!' seems to be the policy of the webmaster there.
Site Admin
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Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin »

Yes is currently down. The server (at webfusion/hosteurope) is up which is strange.

This has been verified via various IPs so it is not a block. I'll keep an eye on it.

BTW I saw George's posting. It was the third I have seen asking the same questions. Each has been removed. You might not like the SE23 moderation - but at least it is consistent!
Site Admin
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Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin » is back up. It now has more explicit guidelines - one of which precludes discussion on guidelines and administration - so at least they are now being upfront and open about it.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2004 13:17
Location: london and censorship

Post by G »

I thought it was unfair the way deletes messages which asks about the posters, which are displayed in the vacant shops near Sainsburys. That is why i made the postings.

I am new to Forest Hill and am located close to both Sydenham and Forest Hill. I would say that i find Forest Hill is more ideal for me for shopping and facilities (i.e. the gym and the libray) so i feel more concerned about the the area of Forest Hill.

I guess i am a bit concerned about Forest Hill as there are quite a few vacant shops there. There has been some new developments recently and they are great for the area (e.g. Dartmouth Arms). I think it would be good to see all the vacant shops filled for the locals of Forest Hill. It would be a good start to get rid of the vacant shops near Sainsburys.

Reading the postings in the development of the vacant shops near Sainsburys has been a long time coming. I think i remember reading in one of the previous posters displayed in the vacant shop windows, that work is to start later this year. But this has now been removed and there are no signs of when the work will start. The only posters currently displayed is something about FHTA and So to me, a local of Forest Hill, there seems to be a connection between Sainsburys and the vacant shops and FHTA and I could be wrong but it would be nice to know what is going on and i hoped could provide some answers.

Instead i am currently barred for (from my PC). I have seen the new noticed in but think i will let things go as it is very differcult to ask questions to an unknown person/enitity who can remove you from any discussion.

I think the forum of is a great thing. It shows so many people who are interested in the well being of Forest Hill. I think Forest Hill is a great place to live, there is a lot going for it (the horiman, swimming pool, library, location, trees, woods, builds, pubs...etc). I like other people (it may seem) am interest in improving any problems it may have. The vacant shops is a problem and the delay in the development of the vacant shops next to Sainsbury is frustrating.

Sydenham does not suffer the same problem as Forest Hill. There are no vacant shops there. I understand that Sydenham and Forest Hill are different places and can not be exactly the same. But i believe they can both be successful, prosperous and enjoyable places to live.

I think this website is wonderful and the admin of this site is great for providing so much info to its readers. It is great that the admin give a response to many of the postings. Unfortunately the admin of website is different.

Below is the messages which i posted to

[quote]"Yesterday i added a message to this thread, which has now been removed? The message i thought was not controversial? I asked about the posters displayed in the vacant shops next to Sainsburys, as they relate to the progress of the Sainsburys extension plan. My posting asked:

1) Who runs this website? As just this forum seems to be active?

2) Who are the FHTA and how do they relate to Forest Hill and Sainsburys (if they do at all)?

NOTE: Which were all mentioned in the posters displayed in the vacant shops next to Sainsburys

Will this message suffer the same fate as my first message? If so why?"

"Amazing? The discussion i had here regarding posters displayed in the vacant shop near Sainsburys have all been deleted! This site censors anything regarding the posters, which suggests to me something very sinister is happening? This sort of censorship renders the site useless. The fact that the webmaster does not add anything to defect him/her self is somewhat very strange? Who runs this site? I think a site like is something we need for se23! The forum here is what makes this site useful! The forum is built upon views from locals. Views of locals should not be controlled by one or few people who run this site (i.e. the webmaster)?"[/quote]

I did not mean to offend anyone with my posting. I am just interested in knowing what is happening in the area that i live in. I am still interested in hearing from people who have an answer to my questions. I hope this time my mail is more successful?
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