Road Accidents

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Road Accidents

Post by sean »

There were three accidents on Sydenham High Street this week. The first was on Tuesday when a pensioner fell into the path of a car by the corner shop then today a girl was knocked down and later in the day a motorcycle drove into the side of a car when the car shot out into the road next to the Spar. What's going on? When the little girl was knocked down I heard from the staff in the shop that a woman was taking pictures on her mobile phone!!!!
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Post by squig »

Hi. It's absolutely horrid. I think what's going on is too much speed. That's grim about the woman taking photos. I didn't realise what had happened today. Poor little girl & her family.

You should see them going up the road I live on, they must go at 40mph and it's a residential street. Thing is, all you can do is put speed bumps everywhere, I think. I reckon they just don't have the police available to stop speeding cars anymore.
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Post by stuart »

No, no! I've nearly been killed twice because of speed humps. The first as a car swerved to avoid one and the second almost through us off our bike (it was wet so the white warning beame opaque/invisible).

I agree it has got much more dangerous in the last few months. I don't know why this sudden deteriation. I find it is not speed that's the problem - its more that you feel invisible. Eyeball the driver, but he is in another world and just drives through you (if you haven't anticipated their incompetence). Also the frequency of drivers going through red lights. I don't mean jumping a long amber - but obviously never saw them.

The recent thread here about several people not seeing the 'no right turn' at Catford shows something is very wrong. Humps and cameras will distract them even more. IMHO it is fundamentally an attitude problem. People don't try and drive in a professional manner. That is real concentration and continual critical analysis of your performance. Spouses can be quite good at the latter if encouraged ;-)

I'm seriously thinking of giving up my bike.

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Post by kennyb2 »

This will probably upset some people as its an unpalatable truth.
I`m afraid the deterioration in driving standards that you speak of is down to the increasing numbers of drivers who have taken no driving test or a test in some far flung corner of the EU or elsewhere.
Its noticeable even as far as the West Country where the reporting of fatal accidents caused by east european lorry drivers or uninsured car drivers is a regular event.
I do a regular run from the Channel Ports at night, The sights on the M20 have to be seen to be believed, double rows of HGV, massive numbers of which are from the new EU and driving standards are appalling, even prohibitory notices in multi languages are ignored.
A recent newspaper article, the Guardian I think, quoted a police officer at Crystal Palace, after an RTA ,saying that only one in 6 drivers stopped in South London where found to be insured, and they got away with it because the system is swamped.
I ride a bike and a motorcycle so I am also even more aware of the increasing drop in standards.
Last month I came back to Sydenham for my mums funeral, and took the chance to drive around my boyhood haunts; the overwhelming impression was how much the area has gone downhill, its all so TATTY and I grew up when it was all bomb sites and pre fabs there; the driving from certain sections of the community was down right dangerous, constant mobile phone use , and also in my opinion, the powers that be have really screwed up the traffic system, there is far too much signing, too varied, too haphazard, just immense visual overload. No wonder you can't see the wood for the trees.
Sorry if certain of my comments cause offence, its my opinion of what I saw and experienced.
The general lack of driving standards and lack of effective mobile policeing is to blame.
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Third Accident in One Day !!!

Post by sean »

Pedestrian killed by tipper truck
A woman was killed when she was hit by a tipper truck in south London.
The victim, aged in her 20s, was walking in Sydenham Road when she was struck by the lorry just before 1100pm on Friday.

She suffered serious head injuries and was pronounced dead by a police doctor about an hour later.

The Metropolitan Police said a man, arrested in connection with the accident, was bailed until February while inquiries continue.
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Post by sophie »

Maybe the pedestrian crossing on the brow of the hill should have lights. I know when I cross there I am always nervous as one side of traffic may stop but the other side hasn't seen that someone is crossing.

I know that in the accident the woman wasn't at the crossing and I know that I have crossed in that same place loads of times as well.
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Post by Rosie »

I am not suprised regarding the recent accidents. Just the speed of drivers on the High Street and Newlands Park amazes me. Sadly it seems that to get any action on traffic calming measures, accidents have to have caused injuries. If no-one is actually injured the accident isn't logged in the same way, (at least this was what I was told by Lewisham Council when I rang them with my concerns regarding the junction where I live, as there have been several minor accidents, but I am sure a nasty one is inevitable). Does anyone think that the new speed cameras on Westwood Hill have made a difference? I think it is appalling that there is no proper crossing for the Newlands Park turn off on the High Street! I often see elderly people struggling to navigate the traffic.
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Post by ALIB »

Rosie, you are exactly right. To warrant any safety measures I was quoted something along the lines of "there needs to be two fatalities or serious accidents within 2 years for a stretch of road to get safety measures"
We can measure fatalities fairly easily, but there is plenty freedom to move the goalposts with what a 'serious accident' is. This is something the Syd Soc is actively entering discussions with Lewisham over. Why do there have to be accidents before safety work is done? Also any safety works are designed by a Council Engineer and no input from residents is taken into consideration.
So you can witness as many cars speeding along the road at 100mph as you like. No one has to take any notice of residents concerns. Indeed, there can be as many near misses, mounting of pavements and unreported 'minor' collisions as you like.
Unfortunately, it is only when something serious happens that the Council will act. This is not a snipe at the Council, but just a comment on the way things are done.
All i'll say, is if you have concerns over road safety, you are better off being part of a group to make representations to the relevant bodies. Please consider joining either the FH Society or the Syd Soc if you wish to add your vocal support.
Last edited by ALIB on 23 Sep 2007 17:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by georgemichael »

The new proposals for the crossings on Sydenham Road (unveiled at the Regeneration meeting last Thursday) sound like a great improvement on what exists at the moment.

They included proper crossings (I think "Puffin" crossings) on the Newlands Park/Sydenham Road junctions, also one near the Dolphin, one opposite Fresh & Fruity and also, my bugbear - Lawrie Park Road!

Watch this space!
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Post by biffa »

i wrote to my MP regarding the fact that there where no lane markings when the bus lane was put in on kirkdale therefore people where not keeping lane disciplne which was dangerous ..he passed it on to the highways people that assumed i was just moaning about the bus lane ..i reminded my MP that if their was a serious RTA he would have already been advised ..a week later there was lane markings put in ..funny that ..point being get everything in writing so if something does happen there is documented evidence of safety concerns
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Post by The Eagle »

I got this story third hand ........................

There was an accident in the bus lane two weeks ago no one hurt but cars badly damaged.
Apparently whilst the traffic was queued up from Cobbs Corner to Collingtree Road a woman came whizzing along the bus lane (we all know the type) any case someone in the queue had to turn left into the road where the garage is (think it is called The Peak). He turned left just as she was whizzing along. BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Although in my opinion he was wrong as he should have looked and seen who was there especially as it could have been a an ambulance, or bus or cyclist or an untaxed/uninsured car, none the less she was just as wrong.

The police were called as the man claimed she should have not been in the bus lane etc .................... the Police said as there were no signs showing a bus lane in operation there was little they could do.
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Post by Jules »

I was horrified to see flowers by the road side at the Palace Wines, Sydenham Station approach this morning. I assume this was in connection with the lady Sean referred to, that was killed on Friday evening. I cross the road there every day on my way to and from the station.
Drivers and pedestrians can be as bad as one another. Drivers don't indicate or give way to pedestrians as they cross the road and pedestrians will step out into the road without checking the road first. The amount of people I've seen who just walk stright out onto zebra crossings without even looking first. They are asking to be killed.
I think the age for taking a driving test should be increased to 21, but that's never going to happen.
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Post by stuart »

I have to disagree with kennyb2 that this is due to 'not passing the driving test' or due to foreigners.

Neither my mother or father had to pass a test but were better drivers than me. The result of making the current test more complicated/demanding has not lowered the accident rate in the 17-21 band. I believe it has actually got worse. The drivers who do take the test (still the vast majority?) are the highest risk group for insurers. Higher than before they take the test?

Hence it is not training or testing that appears to stop them being dangerous. It has to be attitude. Cameras, road humps etc won't solve it. They are just problems they can navigate around with GPS/detectors and wide wheelbased motors.

You either have to take Julwz's suggestion of removing them from the road until they reach a more mature state or you have to get into and alter minds.

Sadly the attitude may be more prevelent but is not restricted to the under-21 group.

Back to kennyb2 - I use the M20 from the tunnel regulary. I don't find it particulary dangerous. The M1, M40 & M4 I find more challenging and more likely to be closed by a RTA. Do you have figures to suggest otherwise?

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Post by mosy »

georgemichael wrote:The new proposals for the crossings on Sydenham Road (unveiled at the Regeneration meeting last Thursday) sound like a great improvement on what exists at the moment.

This does sound like very good news, especially that something is likely to be done about "suicide corner" (Newlands Park) :)

Does anyone have a link to the minutes of the meeting or somewhere that we can see the proposals please? Many thanks.
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Post by ALIB »

mosy wrote:
georgemichael wrote:The new proposals for the crossings on Sydenham Road (unveiled at the Regeneration meeting last Thursday) sound like a great improvement on what exists at the moment.

This does sound like very good news, especially that something is likely to be done about "suicide corner" (Newlands Park) :)

Does anyone have a link to the minutes of the meeting or somewhere that we can see the proposals please? Many thanks.
I know the person who did the minutes. She is on holiday at the moment, but the minutes will be available on her return. We are still in a consultation period and there are 3 options available for the 3 main segments of Sydenham Road (top, middle and bottom). None has been decided yet, but there are preferences.
I have emailed the council to request electronic copies of the proposals, but because the work is being undertaken by specialist traffic consultants, it is likely that all their proposals are copyrighted and not for general distribution....yet
I'll let you know what the council feedback is

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road accidents

Post by claireclaire »

what exactly happened on Friday? I was walking to the station at around midday and the whole area was cordoned off, and it was still closed off when I came back a couple of hours later. There was a fatal accident? Did she just walk out into the road without looking or something?
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Re: road accidents

Post by admin »

claireclaire wrote:what exactly happened on Friday?
This was covered here:
Comment on this incident is closed.

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Post by Jules »

I'm not asking for details of the accident that happened last Friday. I'd just like to know if this accident happened on the zebra crossing or at the top of Station Approach, which is were the floral tributes have been placed.
The crossing has already come in for some critisim, and as a local resident who uses the crossing on a fairly regular basis, i think i have a right to know if this crossing is a hazard.
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road accidents

Post by poppy »

Does anyone know where the girl was knocked down?
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Post by georgemichael »

She was crossing from the bank to the top of Station Approach (outside the wine shop) on the corner. She wasn't on the crossing.
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