Come along to the Sydenham Assembly - Thursday 11 June 7pm

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Chris Best
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Come along to the Sydenham Assembly - Thursday 11 June 7pm

Post by Chris Best »

Everyone living in Sydenham ward should have received a letter inviting them to the next Assembly meeting this Thursday 11 June - starting at 7pm at Sydenham High School, 19 Westwood Hill. If you haven't please let me know.

The meeting will start with five presentations on the remaining £17,000 of the Mayor’s Fund.
Sydenham Mosaic £10,000
The proposal is to make a contribution to the cost of producing a mosaic which would represent the past and present of Sydenham. The mosaic would run along the white facia on the Naborhood Centre and would provide a focal point for the improved seating area as part of the pedestrian improvements to Sydenham Road.
Switch It £3,000
Switch It is a football project launched in February 2007 and the initiative works with some of the most disadvantaged young people in Sydenham. The project runs weekly sessions in the Sydenham Wells Park area and is bidding for funds to continue the project for three months in the Autumn.
Young People’s Forum development £3,700
The proposal will see 13 young people develop a Youth Forum for Sydenham ward The Forum will act a voice for young people in Sydenham and will work with the Assembly to provide advice and guidance on developing/providing services to young people in Sydenham ward.
Sydenham Community Radio Project £3,000
The station will offer to the community youth projects and training programmes; older people media literacy; weekly discussion community programme; employment placements and skills. The community radio project will be broadcasting over the internet during the Sydenham Arts Festival.
Sydenham Youth Forum Youth Fund £2,000
This proposal is for a small grants initiative for youth and children’s work in the summer holidays. Such grants could be used for an educational/fun day out or sports activities to complement the programme for young people.

Everyone attending the meeting will be given a voting card to put projects in order of preference and the results will be announced by the end of the meeting.

This will be followed by a presentation on the results of the Sydenham Community Facilities Audit considering what space we have for community activities in Sydenham as well as the demand.

For more information about the Sydenham Assembly please contact me or take a look at the web page ... amAssembly
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Post by leenewham »

Damn, due to the strike it's going to make it VERY difficult to attend! I really want to see the mosaic.
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Post by SMOKEIT »

i havent seen the mosaic but i would prefer the £10000 be spent on freshening up the outside with new paint, signage and some coloured blinds or glazing as per leenewhams 'what if series'.
i think we need to be very careful with mosaics and public art. the tempory art work to the hoardings are great...a permenant mosaic done by a local artist or school kids not so good
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Post by bensonby »

alas, I am at work...
The Clown
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Post by The Clown »

Please not a mosaic or mural showing some naff community scene..... ewww....poor man's art would drag down the area.
Site Admin
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Post by admin »

My apologies but I can't be there. I hope someone/two will write up a quck resume and posts what happens tonight.

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Post by leenewham »

We went, straight from a meeting in Leeds so I got there at 8.20 but there were no signs and it was all quiet.

Did it go ahead?
Robin Orton
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Post by Robin Orton »

In the voting for the Mayor's fund bids, £3000 for Switch It (young people's football project) came first. Second equal were £10,000 for the Naborhood Centre mosaic, £3700 for Sydenham ward youth forum development, and £3000 for the Sydenham community radio project. £2000 for a small grants initiative for youth and children's work in the summer holidays came last. The top four total £19,700, £2700 more than the £17,000 nominally available. Cllr Best undertook to consider whether it might be possible to make up the shortfall from slippages in bids on the Mayor's fund agreed earlier (and/or , I think she said, from the locality fund) and to discuss further with the assembly coordinating group.

Alan Sweetlove's presentation on the detailed results of the Sydenham community facilities audit is to be put on the council website. As a newcomer to this subject, I found it difficult to see the wood for the trees, i.e. to understand what the general message(s) emerging from the audit is/are. But there was an interesting discussion afterwards about the fact that schools seem to be unable or unwilling to make their facilities available for community use out of school hours, and the extent to which this might be a result of constraints imposed by the PFI.
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Post by Rebelmc »

leenewham wrote:We went, straight from a meeting in Leeds so I got there at 8.20 but there were no signs and it was all quiet.

Did it go ahead?
Yes it did Lee, in fact it was just about to descend into complete farce as you were trying to find it.
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Post by leenewham »

Anyone willing to post an image of the proposed mosaic?

Are they definitely going to paint the nabourhood centre etc first? Surely?
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Post by Rebelmc »

leenewham wrote:Anyone willing to post an image of the proposed mosaic?

Are they definitely going to paint the nabourhood centre etc first? Surely?
The 'proposed' images consisted of a selection of fairly random drawings, in the form of a timeline taking us from the Crystal Palace, through to the Livesey Memorial Hall, via John Logie Baird and the cinema that occupied the space that the Naborhood Centre now sits in.

To be blunt, the whole proposal struck me as one person's idea of something they would like to see, based on their enjoyment of mosaics; there was no real benefit to the community and no definite plan, just a vague idea that was open to change at any time, possibly influenced by the community, but mainly influenced by the artist that will be doing the job.

Furthermore, although it was pointed out that nobody was really going to be making any money, it appeared to be the case that the professional mosaic artist was the prime advisor for the project, and I'm quite sure he wouldn't be doing it just for the love of the work; it seemed to me that the proposer had approached their favourite mosaic artist and outlined the project, at which point the artist said they will happily do it, and it will cost 50 grand 'KA-CHING'.

Frankly, I would rather the community chipped in out of their own pockets to raise the considerably smaller amount of money that your proposal for the centre would cost, perhaps with a mural done by local artists; it would have the same, if not greater, impact.

What should also have been thought about was the impact that the amount of money being asked for by the mosaic project would have on the rest of the proposals; in the event, everyone present was asked to vote on each of the proposals in order of preference, with the project garnering the least votes being excluded, due to the fact that the total amount of money being asked for, was more than the amount available.

What nobody on the assembly committee seemed to have worked out is, unless the mosaic project came last in the voting, two projects would have to be rejected in order to accomodate them; since there was a 4 in 5 chance of that not happening, the odds were that not one but two projects were going to leave disappointed.

It was pointed out, before the initial vote, that perhaps the mosaic project could ask for less money, as it seemed a little excessive, so leaving the way clear for everyone involved to have a share, but Cllr Best came up with some nonsence about 'fund matching', although she quickly backtracked on that when, after three votes (with the results from the first two being made known to all, and some newcomers being allowed to vote, after they'd turned up as the first vote was in progress and were told they wouldn't be allowed a say :roll: ) there was a three way tie for second place, so she then informed us that perhaps all of those bids would be proportionally reduced, although that would be decided behind closed doors............... :?
Robin Orton
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Post by Robin Orton »

Rebelmc wrote:
'...when, after three votes (with the results from the first two being made known to all, and some newcomers being allowed to vote, after they'd turned up as the first vote was in progress and were told they wouldn't be allowed a say ) there was a three way tie for second place, so she then informed us that perhaps all of those bids would be proportionally reduced, although that would be decided behind closed doors............... '
I spoke to one of the officers afterwards who said that although the 'newcomers' (a group of young people who seemed to have been hanging around outside) were initially told they could vote, in the event this was reversed and it was decided that they couldn't, as they hadn't heard all the presentations.

As I understood Cllr Best, the idea of 'proportionately reducing' the bids was not favoured. The idea was rather to find extra funds to try to meet at any rate the top four bids in full.
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Post by leenewham »

Can anyone, anywhere answer 3 simple questions?

Will the nabourhood centre be done up BEFORE any mosaic is applied, so:

1. It will be cleaned and painted.
2. The canopy over the door on the left will be fixed.
3. The blinds/net curtains in the window will be replaced.

Here are two more difficult questions:

1. Will the amount come out of the mosaic budget.
2. What is the budget? Is it 10,000 or is it 50,000? This is not clear.

Robin Orton
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Post by Robin Orton »

Leenewham wrote:

2. What is the budget? Is it 10,000 or is it 50,000? This is not clear.
This is the only one of his questions I think I can answer! The total cost is £50,000. £10,000 is the amount deemed necessary to attract '(more than!) matching funding' from other sources. Valerie Kelly, the sponsor of the proposal, said that the proposed mosaicist Oliver Budd (see had experience in getting this kind of funding for other projects he'd been involved in.
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Post by Rebelmc »

leenewham wrote:Can anyone, anywhere answer 3 simple questions?

Will the nabourhood centre be done up BEFORE any mosaic is applied, so:

1. It will be cleaned and painted.
2. The canopy over the door on the left will be fixed.
3. The blinds/net curtains in the window will be replaced.

Here are two more difficult questions:

1. Will the amount come out of the mosaic budget.
2. What is the budget? Is it 10,000 or is it 50,000? This is not clear.

In answer to your first three questions, the point was never made and the question was never asked, there was no suggestion that any other aspect of the building's appearance would be attended to, and certainly not that it might be paid for by the mosaic project.

As for the last two, the total budget required is £50K and that is purely for the mosaic, although I would assume that would also include a sum for any remedial work which may be required to provide a stable surface; but it seemed only person who has the definitive answer as to what, precisely, the breakdown of costs will be, is the artist, who was not in attendance.
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Post by leenewham »

So I take it from Robins reply that we may have a mosaic on the nabourhood centre which will cost 50,000 pounds.

10,000 of this will come form public funds.

None of this money will go towards doing up the building, painting it or fixing the broken canopy on the front.

This will cost around £3500 from a quite by a local builder on the what if I posted on this forum.

So we will spend £50,000 on a mosaic but not £3500 on doing it up.

Seriously, we REALLY REALLY REALLY need to sort our priorities out in Sydenham. We have limited funds and we REALLY need to work out the best way of spending it.

I'm really amazed. In a bad way.
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Post by Juwlz »

I also think the building should be painted and generally sorted out as a priority before any mosaic goes up.

I also think they should make sure the mosaic can be easily moved to a new building in future, just in case the naborhood building ever gets demolished to make way for something better!
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Post by ALIB »

leenewham wrote:So I take it from Robins reply that we may have a mosaic on the nabourhood centre which will cost 50,000 pounds.

10,000 of this will come form public funds.

None of this money will go towards doing up the building, painting it or fixing the broken canopy on the front.

This will cost around £3500 from a quite by a local builder on the what if I posted on this forum.

So we will spend £50,000 on a mosaic but not £3500 on doing it up.

Seriously, we REALLY REALLY REALLY need to sort our priorities out in Sydenham. We have limited funds and we REALLY need to work out the best way of spending it.
I'm really amazed. In a bad way.
The last paragraph by Lee sums it up perfectly for me.. . . I am too angry to post my own words.
Chris Best
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Post by Chris Best »

I made the point last night that the Council is responsible for over 100 public buildings. We have a programme of capital works as well ongoing repairs and maintenance of a range buildings including schools, libraries, leisure centres as well as this day centre for people with learning disabilities. I am waiting for a response on when the next cyclical painting and decorating programme will be undertaken on the Naborhood Centre. I want it completed alongside the improvement to the high street and the seating area that will be outside the Naborhood Centre. Ian Plowright was present last evening with the latest drawings for the improvements.

The bid to the Mayor's Fund (a total of £50,000 for Sydenham) was so that the mosaic would have "seed" funding of £10,000 to attract other sources of finance including local sponsorship. From the presentation this is an inclusive project - ideas welcome from everyone including the local schools. I think this is a positive initiative from local residents to highlight the heritage of Sydenham as well as reflecting the diverse nature of the present community. The Naborhood presents a good setting as it is in the centre of the high street with space to create public art.
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Post by poppy »

With respect Cllr Best, it sounds like you are trying to railroad this mosaic idea through.

I would urge forum users who see the mosaic as a waste of money and would much rather a spruced up centre along the lines of forum regular Leenewham's ideas, to contact other Sydenham counicllors (I am not sure if they were there, but I have not seen them at other meetings) and our MP about this. Maybe even some opposition councillors? It might even be worth contacting the South London Press about this.

It seems some people at the council seem to decide what they want and push it through. The same old story with councils!

I am not a huge fan of municipal art either because it is rarely inspired! The mural will probably only appeal to older people, if at all. A tidy, clean inviting building is what we want, and surely the council could generate more money from it if that was the case. (Renting it out for children's parties and other events when not in use)

I know there are people who would appreciate a seat on the high street but I am surprised the council are still pursuing the idea of installing new seating areas when we all know who will be sitting there.

Unless you bring in a bylaw (or something like it) like neighbouring Penge and Catford (which I believe have bans) to stop street drinkers congregating in Sydehnam it will not be of any benefit to the masses.
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